Temeda App 2.51.4: AEMP 2.0 and Inspection Failed Alert

AEMP 2.0 Support for OEMs (ISO-15143-3)

In Temeda App v 2.51.4 we now support OEMs that provide the AEMP (Association of Equipment Management Professionals) ISO-15143-3 version of their machine data API. The new API version provides additional insights into our customers equipment and machinery, such as the amount of Fuel Remaining, Cumulative Idle Hours, DEF Remaining, and several other key machine data metrics.

AEMP Fleet Snapshot API AEMP v1 AEMP v2 (ISO15143) Tadano John Deere CAT Temeda
01 OEM Name (Make)
02 Model
03 Equipment ID
04 Serial Number
05 PIN (VIN)
06 Unit Install Date/Time
07 Latitude
08 Longitude
09 Altitude
10 Distance (Odometer)
11 Cumulative Operating Hours
12 Fuel Used
13 Fuel Used Last 24
14 Fuel Remaining
15 Cumulative Idle Hours
16 DEF Remaining %
17 Engine Number
18 Engine Running
19 CumulativePowerTakeOffHours
20 AverageLoadFactorLast24
21 MaximumSpeedLast24
22 CumulativeLoadCount
23 CumulativePayloadTotals
24 CumulativeActiveRegenerationHours
25 CumulativeIdleNonOperatingHours
26 SwitchStatus
27 Fault Codes *


Alert:  Inspection Failed

In Temeda App v 2.51.4 we have added a new Alert for Failed Equipment and Vehicle Safety Inspections. Users can now setup alerts for individual assets, groups, or the entire company to trigger when an inspection fails. This will make fleet managers aware of which equipment or assets require attention due to a failed safety inspection.


Phone App v2.5.2 – Alerts

Several features from the Temeda web portal are now available on the Temeda phone app.

  • Users: Admins can now add, edit and delete Users from your account.
  • Alerts: Users can create alerts on the phone. This includes alerts such as Top Speed, Driving Over the Speed Limit, Fuel Level Low, Location Enter/Exit, and many more.
  • Maintenance: Add, edit and delete Maintenance Tasks. Maintenance Tasks can be setup to perform scheduled maintenance services, or check-off tasks for conducting daily vehicle inspections.
Home Screen Alerts Screen


Add New Alert Screen Add New Alert Screen


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