Temeda App 2.54: Fuel use reports

Data is the key driver in business today – and access to easily-consumable data for business decisions drives down costs and increases productivity.

In Temeda v2.54, we have added new reporting and data points related to off road fuel use and fuel fill-ups.

Businesses that operate a portion of their fleet off of public roads are eligible for a credit on pre-paid fuel taxes. The Fuel Usage within Locations report offers insights into the amount of fuel consumed at job sites that are off public roads. The amount of fuel burned at these sites are eligible for a tax credit.

What’s new

New Event: Fuel Fill-up

Fuel fill-up events are captured in the report anytime a vehicle’s fuel level rapidly rises above 50%. This report gives fleet managers an easy method to verify a truck is at the gas station where the gas card was used at the transaction time.

New Report: Fuel Usage within Locations

In the 2.54 update, we’ve added a new report: Fuel Usage within Locations (Fuel Tax Credit). This report tracks the amount of fuel used by customer Assets within one or more geofence Locations. The system will also detect and report fuel fill-up events.

With this new report, you can easily:

  • Calculate the total consumption of non-taxable fuel consumption
  • Easily audit gas card transactions
  • Calculate fuel costs on customer job sites

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How this can help you improve your business

Calculate the total consumption of non-taxable fuel consumption

The Fuel Usage within Locations report calculates the total volume of fuel consumed within a geofenced location during a period. This information can be used by companies that qualify for a tax credit for fuel consumed, such as undyed diesel fuel burned on a customer Jobsite.

Easily audit gas card transactions for personal use

Have another tool to ensure that company-provided fuel cards are not abused, with Temeda’s fuel fill-up tracking.

Calculate fuel costs on customer job sites

Information is an essential resource in today’s business world. The Fuel Usage within Locations report helps customers understand how much fuel is used on a customer job site.

Companies can use this information to improve their business in several ways:

  • Accurate billing for fuel consumed
  • More precise accounting of job costs
  • Better forecasting of fuel costs for future projects

Learn about other Temeda Reports

The Fuel Usage within Locations report adds to Temeda’s robust selection reports that help our customers better understand their business and improve performance.

Learn more about our reports, and get better business insights!

  • Alert Detail Report
  • Driver Safety Reports
  • Engine Hours and Utilization Reports
  • Fuel & Idle Reports
  • Maintenance Reports
  • Sensor Reports

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