Temeda App 2.18.6

Reports: Alert Detail Report – filter by a specific Alert

In release v2.18.6, we’ve added the ability to filter an Alert Detail Report by a specific Alert. Prior to this release, you could filter Alert Detail reports by an Alert Type (ex: Speeding, Location Entry, etc). Now, you can choose an Alert Type OR a specific Alert from a picklist (ex: Delivery Trucks speeding 10 mph over the limit).

Selecting Alert Type or Alert
Alert Selection

AEMP 2.0 Support

In release v2.18.6, we’ve added the ability to pull in OEM Equipment and Location Data via the newer AEMP 2.0 telematics api standard (ISO 15143-3). Prior to this release, we only supported the AEMP 1.x standard. This is especially important for our John Deere customers, whose OEM feed only supports the newest AEMP 2.0 standard.

International SMS Phone # support

You can now send SMS Alert Notifications to both US and international phone numbers.

For US numbers, enter 10 digit numbers only with no spaces. For non-US numbers enter the country code and the phone numbers with no spaces.

Navman Support

The Temeda app now has support for Navman gps telematics devices. You can now add Assets from your Navman account into Temeda. This will allow for a unified fleet view of all your assets within a single app.

Navman Selection
Navman Support

Recent Release Notes

OAuth 2.0 for API Authentication

Temeda has ensured our API Portal authentication security is up-to-date with OAuth 2.0. OAuth is the authentication mechanism used to provide you and your web developers secure delegated access to

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User Activity Dashboard

At Temeda, our objective is to help you achieve your goals: operating your fleets more efficiently, improving safety, minimizing downtime, maximizing utilization, reducing costs, or any other goal for your

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