Release Contents
We are pleased to introduce a new maintenance feature: Vehicle and Equipment Inspections! Modernize your vehicle inspection process, and get access to all your vehicle inspections, from anywhere. Simplify your inspection process, eliminate paperwork, and access inspections immediately.
This feature is available on our web app and mobile app.

Inspection Types
- Complete inspections on the web app or the mobile app.
- Inspections can be set to be completed daily, or before the asset can be used.
History Logs
- View all completed inspections, on the web app or the mobile app.
- Sort/filter by asset, inspector, inspection time, inspection type, and pass/fail status of inspection. Data can be exported.
Comments and photos
- Photos and comments are linked to the respective task. If a task was failed, photos and comments can explain what happened, and why.
- General photos and comments can also be added to an inspection without being linked to a specific task. These can be used to comment on something that isn’t covered in a task.
- General photos and comments can also be added to an inspection as they are not linked to a specific task and can be useful to add further explanation.
Operators in the field can use the Temeda phone app to conduct the inspection, as well as take and upload photos or documents of potential safety concerns or other issues. Field Inspectors can use the phone’s speak to text feature to easily add comments. Fleet operations can assess the inspections in real-time, and take appropriate action for vehicles with failed or warning inspections. Fleet managers and Service techs can verify that corrective actions were taken for Assets with failed inspections.