Project Example: Oil & Gas Customer

Before an oil well can extract oil or gas, O&G firms, or their contractors, engage in a lengthy site preparation process that includes not only clearing the site and placing the pad but also drilling and securing the well itself.

Firms engaged in fracking (injecting pressurized liquid into subterranean boreholes to open existing fissures and extract oil or gas), face an especially tough challenge. The wells must not only travel deep into the earth but also move horizontally, sometimes for miles, to reach the resource.

Part of fracking site prep is placement of steel casings, surrounded by cement, around the drilled well hole to enhance stability and impermeability and prevent seepage. All the equipment used in site prep, and in particular the equipment that delivers cement to the drilled well hole, must operate at the utmost level of continuity to ensure stringent site-prep regulations are met.

The Temeda team developed a multi-tiered plan for an O&G firm that would ensure mechanical site prep equipment never failed in its mission. Leveraging data from operating sensors on the equipment, the Temeda platform structures, visualizes and reports on the equipment, including operating status and hours of use.

The Temeda team also added electronic tags to all site-prep equipment, so whenever equipment enters or leaves the entry point at a fracking prep site, a message is generated to the Temeda platform across the work zone’s wireless network.  A planned enhancement will incorporate tracking of personnel and their activities at the site, which will enable the firm to calculate more of the hard costs associated with running each location.

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